Saturday, August 13, 2011

The Help: Not So Helpless

I recently saw The Help, based on a book by Kathleen Stockett. The reviews were mixed, but mostly good. I liked it well enough, but I didn't love it.

I loved Viola Davis's performance as Abilene. I enjoy watching Ms. Davis do what she does best. I would pay to watch her pick up a rubber band! She inevitably imbues her characters with depth and nuance. I loved Octavia Spencer's fiery, sassy performance as Minny. It reminded me a little of Sophia in The Color Purple. Jessica Chastain was delightful as the social outcast Celia. I did not enjoy watching Bryce Dallas Howard's one-dimensional mean-spirited Hilly. It may be unfair to blame the actress because she may have been directed to play Hilly that way. But I found that character tiresome. Emma Stone's performance as Skeeter seemed, to me, adequate, but forgettable.

I grow weary of stories where white heros/saviors come to the aid of downtrodden colored folk, as if colored folk are unable to help themselves. It would have been more interesting if this story had been mainly about the maids and their ability to cope with constant degradation while keeping their dignity intact. Instead, this film seemed to focus on the two decent white people in town. Still, I'm glad I saw this film. I hope that next year the Oscar nominating committee remembers the standout performances.

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