Sunday, May 8, 2011

The Scottsboro Boys: Tony Remembered

The recent Broadway production of The Scottsboro Boys received 12 Tony nominations this week. That makes me happy. This unforgettable show began at the Vineyard Theatre and ended up on The Great White Way. I fondly  called it "the little musical that could". Then, it closed.

This powerful production tackled one of the most shameful, painful stories in recent memory, and managed to make it thoughtful, engaging, and entertaining. The minstrel show motif added nuance and served to heighten the irony and pathos of this haunting and heartbreaking, but true, story.

Susan Strohman's direction was flawless. The entire cast was a joy to watch. 
I don't want to single anyone out. The singing was gorgeous, nearly celestial at times. The lyrics were powerful and moved the story along exactly like a good musical should. I listen to the soundtrack regularly, and it never disappoints. The stunning choreography, presented against a minimalist set design, popped. I didn't feel, as some did, that the actors were dressed in white to make the characters seem angelic. It's more complex than that.

The Book of Mormon will probably get the Best Musical award. If The Scottsboro Boys get any awards, I will be ecstatic. For now, it's gratifying that Tony remembered.